Stentoften Codes

Israelite Map Encoded in the Stentoften Inscription!

The 144 runes of the Stentoften stone can be arranged in a 12×12 matrix with 12 runes per row. If we translate these runes into Latin letters, then we can easily read a sequence "B' Dan houag Knn" in the leftmost column.

We can interpret this sequence as בדן חוג כנען, meaning "In Dan is enclosure/demarcation of Canaan". This expression agrees with the biblical expression "from Dan to Beersheba" - a biblical phrase used nine times in the Hebrew Bible to refer to the settled areas of the Tribes of Israel between Dan in the North and Beersheba in the South, see From Dan to Beersheba - Wikipedia.

It is therefore highly interesting that we in the matrix also can read "HUG BOR SE-WA", which would then mean חוג באר שבע (= "demarcation of Beersheba").

Between the "D" of Dan and the "B" of BOR SEWA are four columns of runes in the matrix, and between the row of BOR and the row of the "D" of Dan are nine rows. Including these rows also gives 11 rows. Thus the area between the bottom of Dan and the top of BOR SEWA is an area of 4×11 runes, which very well agrees with the geographic reality in the land of Israel:

Is therefore really an Israelite map encoded in the runes of the Stentoften inscription? That seems indeed to be the case, because Ekron can also be read in the Matrix at its approximate correct location. Furthermore, we can see "OFEL" and "KWOD" - understandable as עפל and כבוד (meaning "an eminence upon Zion" and "glory" respectively) - approximately where Jerusalem should be located on the map between Dan and Beersheba.

Up from the bottom of the matrix we can also read "ISR" and "ROEL" in two separate columns. Combining these would of course yield "ISR-ROEL".

What if a combination like this is intended? If we divide the left-most half of the matrix in two parts, where one part comprises 9 rows and the other one 3 rows, then we can combine "ISR" with "ROEL" by moving the 3-rows matrix to the bottom of the right-most half of the original matrix. At the same time we can move the remaining 9×6 matrix on the left side to the top of the right side, now forming a 24×6 matrix.

If we then turn the 24×6 matrix 90˚  counter-clockwise, then we can again see strong parallells with the geography of the land of Israel.

If we now turn the map of Blekinge, south Sweden, 116˚  clockwise, then we obtain agreement with the Israelite map to a great extent,

Färlöv in Scania appears to correspond to Dan and Flakulla appears to correspond to Beersheba. Säby probably primarily corresponds to Kadesh Barnea. In Scandinavian language Säby is understandable as "sea village", but the phonetical similarity between Säby and Sheba in this case could nevertheless be more than coincidental. So Säby can secondarily correspond to Beersheba although primarily Beersheba corresponds to Flakulla.

We can also observe the phonetical similarity between Mörrum in Sweden and Merom in the land of Israel although the places are not exactly corresponding to each other when the Swedish map i turned 116˚ .

But which place would Stentoften in the outskirts of Sölvesborg correspond to? If we measure from Färlöv and make the corresponding measurement from Dan, then we arrive at the conclusion that Stentoften most likely corresponds to MIGDAL HA EMEK in the Galilee.

Runes corresponding to MIGDAL HA EMEK are also found close to the center of the 12×12 matrix, as seen below with corresponding Latin letters.

But did the town now known as Migdal HaEmek have that name also anciently? During a previous period the town was known as d'Al-Mujaydil in Arabic. The original name could therefore have been Migdal El. Several towns had the word Migdal in their names and a town of Migdal El was mentioned in the area of Naphtali in the bible. But that does not prevent that the Migdal town in the Jisreel valey could also have had the name Migdal El.